Welcome to your future -- Discover you at work: Who are you? -- What are your interests and strengths? -- What are your work values? -- What is your work personality? -- Explore your options: Animal trainer -- Audiologist -- Career and technical education instructor -- Career counselor -- Coach -- College professor -- Cooperative extension agent -- Corporate trainer -- Correctional educator -- Education attorney -- Elementary school teacher -- English as a second language (ESL) instructor -- Environmental educator -- Fitness trainer -- Guidance counselor -- Instructional coordinator -- Librarian -- Library technician -- Museum educator -- paraprofessional -- Physical education teacher -- Preschool teacher -- Principal -- Public health educator -- School media specialist -- School nurse -- School psychologist -- School social worker -- Secondary school teacher -- Service animal instructor -- Special education teacher -- Speech-language pathologist -- Student affairs officer -- Studio animal trainer -- Teacher of the visually impaired -- Do you have the right skills? -- More career ideas in education and training -- Are you on the right path? -- Experiment with success: Who knows what you need to know? -- Ask the experts -- How can you find out what a career is really like? -- How do you know when you've mad the right choice? -- What's next? -- Final word.
Shows teens the many career opportunities available and includes questions and activities that will help their strengths and talents.