get the inside story on gadgets and systems past and present.
Chicago :
Encyclopædia Britannica,
1 online resource (64 pages).
Britannica learning library
Includes index.
Transportation : before there were automobiles -- Automobiles : how Henry Ford made the American car -- Airplanes : the first flights -- Ships : from rafts to ocean liners -- Submarines : silent stalkers of the sea -- Communication -- Paper : turning trees to paper -- Printing : Gutenberg's gift -- Braille : books to touch -- Sight and sound : eyes that hear, speech that's seen -- Telephones : staying in touch -- Computers : the machines that solve problems -- Internet and the World Wide Web : network of people -- Energy -- Electricity : cables, fuses, wires, and energy -- Wind power : energy in the air -- Thermal power : energy from heat -- Water power : streams of energy -- Nuclear energy : big energy from a small source -- Oil : from the ground to the filling station -- Pollution : harming our environment -- Professions & daily life -- Weaving : making cloth -- Calendar : charting the year -- Measurement : figuring out size and distance -- Photography : drawing with light -- Motion pictures : photos that move -- Radio : thank you, Mr. Marconi -- Television : the world in a box -- Medicine : looking to nature for remedies -- Telescopes : exploring the sky.
Part of the Britannica Learning Library Series, in Technology and inventions, you will learn about the great inventors and inventions that have changed our lives.