""Table of Contents""; ""Great Study and Testing Tips""; ""SUBAREA I. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY""; ""SUBAREA II. LIFE SCIENCE""; ""SUBAREA III. PHYSICAL SCIENCE""; ""SUBAREA IV. EARTH SYSTEMS AND THE UNIVERSE""; ""SUBAREA V. MATTER, STRUCTURE, AND PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE""; ""SUBAREA VI. ISTOICHIOMETRY AND CHEMICAL REACTIONS""; ""Sample Test""; ""Answer Key""; ""Rationales with Sample Questions""; ""Sample Open-Response Questions""
ICTS 106. Science, chemistry.
Science, chemistry
ICTS science, chemistry 106
Illinois Certification Testing System.
Illinois Certification Testing System.
Chemistry-- Examinations, Study guides.
Elementary school teachers-- Certification-- Illinois-- Examinations, Study guides.
Middle school teachers-- Certification-- Illinois-- Examinations, Study guides.