Front Cover; Advances in Genetics, Volume 18; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume 18; Chapter 1. Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotic Organisms; I. Introduction; II. Examples of Regulated Systems; III. Autogenous Regulation; IV. Cyclic AMP and Catabolite Repression; V. Stringency; VI. RNA Polymerase; VII. Translational Control; VIII. Conclusion; References; Chapter 2. Genetics of Bacterial Sporulation; I. Introduction; II. Sequence of Spore Formation; III. Genetic Studies; IV. RNA Polymerase and Transcription; V. Control of the Temporal Order of Gene Expression.
Chapter 4. Developmental Genetics of HomoeosisI. Introduction; II. Types of Homoeotic Transformation; III. Types of Homoeotic Mutation; IV. Genetic Properties; V. Developmental Properties; VI. Hypotheses of Homoeosis; VII. Summary and Conclusions; References; Chapter 5. Drosophila Gene-Enzyme Systems; I. Introduction; II. Specific Gene-Enzyme Systems; III. Enzymes in Natural Populations; IV. Dosage Compensation of Gene Activity; V. Conclusions; References; Chapter 6. Genetics, Cytogenetics, and Evolution of Mosquitoes; I. Introduction; II. Formal Genetics; III. Cytogenetics.
IV. Evolution and SpeciationV. Cytoplasmic Incompatibility; VI. Genetic Manipulation; VII. Behavior Genetics; VIII. Genetic Control; IX. Biochemical Genetics; References; Subject Index.