Vol. 1: Introduction: Setting the stage: the history, methodology, and structure of a "theology of the Old Testament" -- pt. 1: Laying the foundation -- An overview of the Old Testament's statements about election -- The election and obligation of the people -- pt. 2: Yahweh as the subject of the historical acts of election -- The God who elects: his names and titles. His acts and his powers of activity. Statements about his "nature". -- The world of God and the world distant from God -- Vol. 2: pt. 3: The consequences of and further thinking about primal election: additional objects of the historical, electing acts of YHWH -- The narratives about the ancestors -- Kingship and Messianic hope -- The temple and the city of God (the so-called Zion tradition) -- Priests and Levites -- The prophets -- pt. 4: The results and consequences of election experienced in history -- The Israelite and his relationship to God (anthropology) -- The life of the elect (foundational questions for ethics and ethos) -- The worship of Israel (cult) -- The future of the people of God (expectations concerning the future, eschatology, apocalyptic) -- The chosen people of God and the nations.