Includes bibliographical references (pages 241-256) and index.
Macbeth and the perils of conjecture / Sean H. McDowell -- Eying and wording in Cymbeline / Bruce R. Smith -- 'O, she's warm': touch in The winter's tale / Evelyn Tribble -- Falling into extremity / Patricia Cahill -- Roman world, Egyptian earth: cognitive difference in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra / Mary Thomas Crane -- Hamlet in motion / Shankar Raman -- Artifactual knowledge in Hamlet / Howard Marchitello -- 'Rich eyes and poor hands': theaters of early modern experience / Adam Rzepka -- 'Repeat to me the words of the echo': listening to The tempest / Allison Kay Deutermann -- Mind the gaps: the ear, the eye, and the senses of a woman in Much ado about nothing / Diana E. Henderson.
This work describes the variance of embodied and sensory perception in early modern culture. The volume's cross-disciplinary emphasis enhances understanding of the 'sense' of sensing in Shakespeare's idiom by bringing schemes from early modern natural philosophy and rhetorical arts into critical conversation.
Shakespeare, William,1564-1616-- Criticism and interpretation.