Modeling game data : Verlet integration ; The problem with Euler integration ; Introducing the model-view-controller pattern ; A crash course in the drawing API ; Introducing interfaces -- Vectors: Ghosts in the machine : What are vectors? ; Using and viewing vectors ; Adding and subtracting vectors ; Projecting vectors ; Intersection ; Collision and bounce ; A crash course in embedding assets ; Important vector formulas -- Collisions between circles : Abstract classes ; Keyboard and mouse control ; Collision-handling basics ; Multiple-object collision ; Fast-moving circles -- Collisions between polygons : The separating axis theorem ; Rectangle collisions ; Triangle collisions ; Oriented bounding box collisions ; Polygon and circle collisions ; Case studies ; Multilevel games -- Pixel-perfect collision and destructible environments : Vector vs. bitmap graphics ; Using bitmaps ; Bitmap collisions ; Bitmap collision-detection strategies ; Adding objects to scrolling environments ; Building a rotating gun turret ; Destroying things! -- Explosions, blitting, and optimization : A simple particle explosion ; A more realistic explosion ; Starburst explosions ; Fast particle explosions ; Lookup tables ; An explosion controller ; Smoke trails -- Make it fun! : sound, music, and AI : Put fun first ; Sound effects and music ; Buttons ; Enemy AL: line of sight ; Case study: Escape! -- Tile-based game design : Tile-based game advantages ; Building the game world ;Adding a game character ; Platform collision ; Adding more interaction ; Blit scrolling ; Using sprites in a tile-based world ; Storing extra game data in arrays ; Collision maps ; Other broad-phrase collision strategies -- Pathfinding : Moving through a maze ; Finding the shortest path -- XML and external data : Local shared objects ; Understanding XML ; Creating XML objects ; Changing XML data ; Loading game levels from XML data ; Loading XML files at runtime ; Are we there yet?
Creating games in Flash is a never-ending journey of exploration, learning, and most of all, fun. Once you've mastered the basics, a new world is opened up to you, enabling you to take your existing skills to the next level and discover new skills that will in turn open new doors. This book is a direct continuation of Foundation Game Design with Flash, and is a complete point-by-point roundup of the most important skills a Flash game designer needs to know. You'll increase your ActionScript knowledge and your game design skills while creating some excellent example games. You'll learn advanced.