Contributors; Foreword; Introduction; PART I. Diagnosis of Systemic Complications; 1. Chest Film in the Assessment of Myocardial and Pericardial Abnormalities; 2. Echocardiography in Evaluating Effects on the Heart; 3. Radiology of Pulmonary Complications; 4. Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Complications; 5. Radiology of Skeletal and Soft Tissue Changes; PART II. Diagnosis of Local Complications; 6. Radiologic Evaluation of Urologic Complications; 7. Nuclear Medicine as an Assessment Technique; 8. Angiographic Evaluation; 9. Use of Ultrasonography
10. Evaluation by Digital Subtraction AngiographyPART III. Therapeutic Techniques; 11. Interventional Radiology in the Management of Complications; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; V
Renal transplant graft survival is directly related to recipient and donor selection, optimization of immunosuppression, strict adherence to surgical technique, management of immunosuppression complications, and management of surgical complications. Over the last 15 years, advancements in immunosuppression and the management of immunosuppression complications have had great impact on improving renal transplant graft survival. To a lesser extent, graft survival rates have been impacted by donor and recipient selection parameters and preoperative optimization. Although in the past, refinement an.
Radiologic diagnosis of renal transplant complications.