the formative faith and practice of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam /
by Jacob Neusner, Bruce Chilton, William Graham.
Boston :
Brill Academic Publishers,
xiii, 329 pages ;
24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
1. Three Faiths, One God: The Classical Statements. A. The Issue. B. Normative Judaism: The Torah, Written and Oral. C. Classical Christianity: The Bible, Old and New Testaments. D. Foundational Islam: The Qur'an and Prophetic Sunnah -- 2. The Person of God. A. The Issue. B. God Incarnate: Christianity. C. One God, Many Forms: Judaism. D. One God, Unitary and Transcendent: Islam -- 3. God's People. A. The Issue. B. The Community of the Faithful: Islam. C. All Are One in Christ Jesus: Christianity. D. "Hear, Israel, the Lord Our God, the Lord is One": Judaism -- 4. The Holy Way of Life. A. The Issue. B. "You Shall be Holy, for I the Lord Your God am Holy": Judaism. C. "Take Up Your Cross, and Follow Me": Christianity. D. "In the Way of God": Muslim Practice -- 5. The Believers and the Unbelievers. A. The Issue. B. Avoid Idolaters at All Costs: Judaism. C. Converting Judaism (and all the Rest): Christianity. D. The Faithful and the Unfaithful: Islam -- 6. The End of Days.
"If Moses, Jesus, and the Prophet Muhammad were to meet, what would they tell one another about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? Three of today's leading scholars explore the topics such a conversation might entail in this comparative study of the three monotheistic faiths. In systematic, side-by-side descriptions, they detail the classical theologies of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and the authoritative writings that convey those theologies - Torah, Bible, and Qur'an. They then compare and contrast the three faiths, which, though distinct and autonomous, address a common set of issues. While asserting that this book is by no means a background source for issues and conflicts among contemporary followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the authors nevertheless aspire to reveal among the three a common potential for mutual understanding."--Jacket.