Synthesis lectures on digital circuits and systems ;
First of three volumes.
Introduction: What do you know -- Fundamentals -- Ohm's law -- Kirchhoff 's current law -- Kirchhoff 's voltage law -- Sources -- Building blocks -- Nice tools -- Series resistance -- Parallel resistance -- Voltage divider -- Current divider -- Solving, all the way -- DC circuit -- Circuit with dependent source -- Time-domain circuit -- Sinusoidal steady state -- Power and energy -- Op-amps -- Ideal op-amp -- Circuit example -- Additional examples -- Circuit design example -- Sensor -- Translation -- Power supplies -- System integration -- Summary -- Formal circuit analysis: Big gun, hard way -- Circuit topology -- What is a circuit? -- Some simple topology -- Number of equations -- Nodal analysis -- Steps for nodal analysis -- Mesh analysis -- Steps for mesh analysis -- Circuit design example -- Summary -- Useful theorems: Formal is overkill? -- Linearity -- Proportionality -- Superposition -- Reciprocity -- Mutual inductance -- Source transformations -- Equivalence -- Thévenin and Norton -- Thévenin and Norton directly -- Thévenin and Norton more formally -- Matching -- Some more examples -- Circuit design examples -- Matching -- Interface design -- Summary -- Designing an interface: Some practical practice -- Amplifier load -- Amplifier output voltage -- Light sensor -- Harmonic suppression -- Another example -- Summary.
Pragmatic Circuits: DC and Time Domain deals primarily with circuits and how they function, beginning with a review of Kirchhoff 's and Ohm's Laws, analysis of d-c circuits and op-amps, and the sinusoidal steady state. The author then looks at formal circuit analysis through nodal and mesh equations. Useful theorems like Thévenin's are added to the circuits toolbox. This first of three volumes ends with a chapter on design. The two follow-up volumes in the Pragmatic Circuits series include titles on Frequency Domain and Signals and Filters. These short lecture books will be of use to students at any level of electrical engineering and for practicing engineers, or scientists, in any field looking for a practical and applied introduction to circuits and signals. The author's "pragmatic" and applied style gives a unique and helpful "non-idealistic, practical, opinionated" introduction to circuits.
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Pragmatic circuits.
DC and time domain
Electric circuit analysis.
Electric circuits-- Direct current.
Signal processing.
COMPUTERS-- Information Theory.
Electric circuit analysis.
Electric circuits-- Direct current.
Signal processing.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING-- Signals & Signal Processing.