When will people stop hating? -- In this ghetto we were married -- Plaszow : the first camp -- It has to have an end -- I wish I could have helped more people -- Remember how I lived my life, Rose -- Days in the grave -- One hundred miles of rapists -- A human being -- Ghost town -- On the border -- The future of hate.
"William & Rosalie" is the gripping and heartfelt account of two young Jewish people from Poland who survived six different German slave and concentration camps throughout the Holocaust.
William & Rosalie.
William and Rosalie
Schiff, Rosalie,1922-
Schiff, William,1918-
Schiff, Rosalie,1922-
Schiff, Rosalie,1922-
Schiff, William,1918-
Holocaust survivors-- Texas-- Dallas, Biography.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)-- Poland, Personal narratives.