Introduction / Jon Glasby and Edward Peck -- What makes effective partnerships between health and social care? / Richard Poxton -- The Health Act 1999 section 31 partnership "flexibilities" / Caroline Glendinning, Bob Hudson, Brian Hardy and Ruth Young -- The Somerset story : the implications for care trusts of the evaluation of the integration of health and social services in Somerset / Edward Peck, Pauline Gulliver and David Towell -- Intermediate care / Nick Goodwin and Sue Peet -- Partnership working : a service user perspective / Diane Brodie -- Care trusts : a positive option for service improvement / Shane Giles -- Care trusts : a sceptical view / Bob Hudson -- The Northumberland experience / Lucy O'Leary -- The Sandwell experience / Lotta Macfarlane -- The Hampshire experience / Terry Butler and Angela Jeffrey -- Care trusts : emerging themes and issues / Edward Peck and Jon Glasby.
Care trusts.
Health care reform-- England.
Health care reform-- Wales.
Health services administration-- England.
Health services administration-- Wales.
Social work administration-- England.
Social work administration-- Wales.
Cooperative Behavior-- Great Britain.
Delivery of Health Care-- organization & administration-- Great Britain.
Interprofessional Relations-- Great Britain.
Primary Health Care-- organization and administration-- Great Britain.
Social Welfare-- Great Britain.
Social Work-- organization & administration-- Great Britain.
State Medicine-- organization & administration-- Great Britain.