Cover; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; Note from the Chaiman; Editor's note; How to contact the NEA-TDB project; Introductory material; INTRODUCTION; Background; Focus of the review; Review procedure and results; History of zirconium and its uses; Previous reviews on the thermochemistry of zirconium; STANDARDS, CONVENTIONS, AND CONTENTS OF THE TABLES; Symbols, terminology and nomenclature; Abbreviations; Symbols and terminology; Chemical formulae and nomenclature; Phase designators; Processes; Equilibrium constants; Protonation of a ligand; Formation of metal ion complexes.
Elemental zirconiumZirconium metal; Phases and crystal structure; Heat capacity and entropy; alpha-zirconium; Beta-zirconium; omega-zirconium; Liquid zirconium; Gaseous zirconium; Zirconium aqua ions; Zr4+; Gibbs energy of formation; Enthalpy of formation; Entropy; ZrO2+; Oxygen and hydrogen compounds and complexes; Aqueous zirconium hydroxide complexes; Monomer hydrolysis species; ZrOH3+; Zr(0H)2+; Zr(OH)+3; Zr(OH)4 (aq); Zr(OH)-5; Zr(OH)2- 6; Polynuclear hydrolysis species; Dimeric species; Trimeric species; Zr3 (OH)8+4; Zr4(OH) + 15; Tetrameric species; Zr 4(OH)8+8.
Solubility constantsEquilibria involving the addition of a gaseous ligand; Redox equilibria; pH; Spectroscopic constants and statistical mechanics calculations for gaseous species; Order of formulae; Reference codes; Units and conversion factors; Standard and reference conditions; Standard state; Standard state pressure; Reference temperature; Fundamental physical constants; Uncertainty estimates; The NEA-TDB system; Presentation of the data; Tables of selected data; SELECTED ZIRCONIUM DATA ; SELECTED AUXILIARY DATA; Discussion of data selection; DISCUSSION OF DATA SELECTION FOR ZIRCONIUM.
Zr large supremum 4(OH)+ 15Zr4(OH)16(aq); Mixed hydroxo/chloro complexes; Summary of the hydrolysis model; Crystalline and amorphous zirconium(IV) oxides and hydroxides; Zirconium(IV) dioxide; Crystal structure; Thermodynamic values; Solubility of ZrO2(monoclinic); Amorphous oxide and hydroxide phases; Structures; Thermodynamic data; Gaseous zirconium oxides; ZrO(g); ZrO2(g); Zirconium hydride; Phases and crystal structure; Thermodynamic data; ZrH(g); Group 17 (halogen) compounds and complexes; Fluorine compounds and complexes; Aqueous zirconium fluorides; Solid zirconium fluorides; ZrF4(cr).
ZrF3(cr), ZrF2(cr) and ZrF(cr)Gaseous zirconium fluorides; Chlorine compounds and complexes; Aqueous zirconium chlorides; Solid zirconium chlorides; ZrCl4(cr); ZrCl3(cr); ZrCl2(cr); ZrCl(cr); Gaseous zirconium chlorides; Bromine and iodine compounds and complexes; Aqueous zirconium bromides and iodides; Solid zirconium bromides; ZrBr4(cr); ZrBr3(cr), ZrBr2(cr) and ZrBr(cr); Gaseous zirconium bromides; Gaseous zirconium iodides; Group 16 (chalcogen) compounds and complexes; Sulphur compounds and complexes; Zirconium sulphides; Zirconium sulphites; Aqueous zirconium sulphites.
This volume is part of the series on ""Chemical Thermodynamics"", published under the aegis of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. It contains a critical review of the literature on thermodynamic data for inorganic compounds of zirconium. A review team, composed of five internationally recognized experts, has critically reviewed all the scientific literature containing chemical thermodynamic information for the above mentioned systems. The results of this critical review carried out following the Guidelines of the OECD NEA Thermochemical Database Project have been documented in the present volume.
Chemical Thermodynamics of Zirconium.
Zirconium compounds.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.