Includes bibliographical references (pages 571-525) and index.
1. A paradigmatic and methodological review of research in outsourcing / Vanita Yadav, Rajen K. Gupta -- 2. Outsourcing in the healthcare industry / Amar Gupta [and others] -- 3. Evolving relationship between law, offshoring of professional services, intellectual property, and international organizations / Amar Gupta [and others] -- 4. Ensuring correctness, completeness, and freshness for outsourced tree-indexed data / Tran Khanh Dang -- 5. The post offshoring IS organization / William R. King -- 6. Is Information Systems (IS) offshoring an extension of IS outsourcing? / Shirish C. Srivastava, Thompson S.H. Teo, Partha S. Mohapatra -- 7. Hybrid offshoring / Nathan Denny [and others] -- 8. Exploratory study on effective control structure in global business process sourcing / Gyeung-min Kim, Saem-Yi Kim -- 9. An outsourcing acceptance model / John zSkipy Benamati, T.M. Rajkumar -- 10. Testing for the applicability of the tam model in the arabic context / Said S. Al-Gahtani -- 11. Factors influencing the use of decision support tools of enterprise resource planning systems / Emad M. Kamhawi -- 12. Software quality management / Padmal Vitharana, Mark A. Mone -- 13. Is "usefulness" or "use" the superior metric when assessing web-based information system success? / Hollis T. Landrum [and others] -- 14. Identification of critical success factors (csf) and their relative importance for web-based information systems development / Kyootai Lee, Kailash Joshi, Mueun Bae.
15. Media richness in online consumer interactions / Irene Pollach -- 16. Revisiting the impact of information technology investments on productivity / Myung Ko, Jan Guynes Clark, Daijin Ko -- 17. Building the it workforce of the future / Deborah J. Armstrong [and others] -- 18. Perception gaps about skills requirement for entry-level is professionals between recruiters and students / Sooun Lee, Xiang Fang -- 19. The relationship between the fulfillment of the it professional's psychological contract and their organizational citizenship and innovative work behaviors / Sandra K. Newton, Linda I. Nowak, J. Ellis Blanton -- 20. Inter-team negotiation support, coalition formation, and negotiation outcomes / Xiaojia Guo, John Lim, Fei Wang -- 21. Impact of age on information technology salaries / Jing Quan, Ronald Dattero, Stuart Galup -- 22. An empirical investigation of stress factors in information technology professionals / Vijay V. Raghavan, Toru Sakaguchi, Robert C. Mahaney -- 23. Information technology portfolio management / Ram Kumar, Haya Ajjan, Yuan Niu.
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Global, social, and organizational implications of emerging information resources management.