Front Cover; Advances in Cancer Research, Volume 36; Copyright Page; CONTENTS; Contributors to Valume 36; Chapter 1. Polymines in Mammalian Tumors Part II; I. Polyamine Biosynthesis and Concentrations in Different Lines of Cultured Neoplastic Cells; II. Polyamines in Human Oncology; III. Diamine Oxidase Activity in Human and in Experimental Neoplasms; IV. Physiological and Pharmacological Inhibitors of Polyamine Biosynthesis in Neoplastic Tissues or Cells; V . Concluding Remarks and Speculations; References; Chapter 2. Chromosome Abnormalities in Malignant Hematologic Diseases
Chapter 5. Human B-Cell Neoplasms in Relation to Normal B-Cell Differentiation and Maturation ProcessesI. Introduction; II. The B-Cell System; III. B-Cell Neoplasms; References; Chapter 6. Evolution in the Treatment Strategy of Hodgkin's Disease; I. Introduction; II. Radiation Therapy: From the Kilovoltage to the Megavoltage Era; III. Chemotherapy: From Single Agents to Multiple Drug Treatment; IV. New Treatment Strategies; V. Prognostic Factors Influencing Current Strategy V .; VI. Morbidity Influencing Current Strategy; VII. Conclusions: Toward the Total Conquest of Hodgkin's Disease
I. IntroductionII. Methods; III. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML); IV. Acute Nonlymphocytic Leukemia (ANLL); V. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL); VI. Polycythemia Vera; VII. Implications of Nonrandom Changes for Malignant Transformation; References; Chapter 3. Oncogenes of Spontaneous and Chemically Induced Tumors; I. Introduction; II. A Model of Cellular Oncogenes; III. The Retrovirus-Associated Oncogenes; IV. Oncogenes Present in Cells Transformed by Chemical Carcinogens; V. Multiplicity of Transforming Genes in 3-Methylcholanthrene-Transformed Cells
VI. Types of Transformed Cells Yielding Focus-Induced DNAVII. Multiplicity of Different Human Oncogenes; VIII. Analogies between Virus- and Non-Virus-Induced Cellular Oncogenes; IX. The Process of Activation of Oncogenes; X. The Role of Oncogenes in Carcinogenesis and Maintenance of Phenotype; XI. The Proteins Encoded by Activated Oncogenes; References; Chapter 4. Relationship of DNA Tertiary and Quaternary Structure to Carcinogenic Processes; I. Introduction; II. Background; III. Cancer and DNA Superstructure; IV. Conclusion; References; Note Added in Proof