Foreword / T.D. Lee -- Introduction / C.N. Yang -- Introduction / (Y.L. Wu -- pt. I. Field theory, particle physics and nuclear physics. 1. Concerning a symmetry property of the new Gell-Mann theory. 2. Spins and parities of the hyperfragment H[symbol] and of the K meson (with M.I. Shirokov). 3. Spins and parities of the [symbol]H hyperfragment and K-meson, (with M.I. Shirokov). 4. On non-uniqueness of nucleon-nucleon scattering phase shifts, (with L.G. Zastavenko and R.M. Ryndin). 5. Phase indeterminacies in nucleon-nucleon scattering, (with L.G. Zastavenko and R.M. Ryndin). 6. On the determination of the relative parities of elementary particles. 7. The relativistic theory of reactions involving polarized particles, (with M.I. Shirokov). 8. Selection rules in reactions involving polarized particles. 9. The Shapiro integral transformation (with L.G. Zastavenko). 10. A note on the decay of the [symbol]-hyperon and its antiparticle. 11. The universal Fenni interaction and the capture of muons in hydrogen, (with V. Maevskii). 12. Charge symmetry properties and representations of the extended Lorentz group in the theory of elementary particles (with V.I. Ogievetskii). 13. Reactions involving polarized particles of zero rest mass. 14. Some symmetry properties in processes of antihyperon production with annihilation of antinucleons. 15. On the problem of investigating the interaction between [symbol] mesons and hyperons (with L.I. Lapidus). 16. Electromagnetic mass of the K meson, (with V.I. Ogievetskii). 17. Dispersion relations for the scattering of [symbol] quanta by nucleons (with L.I. Lapidus). 18. Charge symmetry properties and representations of the extended Lorentz group in the theory of elementary particles (with V.I. Ogievetsky). 19. Integral transformations of the I.S. Shapiro type for particles of zero mass (with L.G. Zastavenko). 20. Scattering of gamma-ray quanta by nucleons near the threshold for meson production (with L.I. Lapidus). 21. On the production of an electron-positron pair by a neutrino in the field of a nucleus (with A.M. Badalyan). 22. Possible symmetry properties for the [symbol]-K system. 23. On the decay of [symbol] hyperons. 24. Dispersion relations and analysis of the energy dependence of cross sections near thresholds of new reactions (with L.I. Lapidus). 25. Inelastic final-state interactions and near-threshold singularities, (with L.I. Lapidus). 26. On the pseudovector current and lepton decays of baryons and mesons. 27. Elastic scattering of gamma quanta by nuclei, (with L.I. Lapidus). 28. The elastic scattering of [symbol] rays by deuterons below the pion-production threshold (with L.I. Lapidus). 29. On the pion-pion resonance in the p-state (with Ho Tso-Hsiu). 30. On the role of the single-meson pole diagram in scattering of gamma quanta by protons (with L.I. Lapidus). 31. Low-energy limit of the [symbol]N-scattering amplitude and crossing symmetry (with L.I. Lapidus). 32. On the K̄+N->[symbol] process (L.I. Lapidus).
This volume presents a collection of selected papers written by Prof Chou. The papers are organized into four parts according to the subject of research areas and the language of publishing journals. Part I (in English) and Part III (in Chinese) are papers on field theories, particle physics and nuclear physics, Part II (in English) and Part IV (in Chinese) are papers on statistical physics and condensed matter physics. From the published papers, it illustrates and is clearly evident how Prof Chou was constantly at the frontiers of theoretical physics in various periods and carried out creative research works experimenting with initial ideas and motivations, as well as how he has driven and worked in different key research directions of theoretical physics, all for which he has made significant contributions to various interesting research areas and interdisciplinary fields.