Dissections of the carotid and vertebral arteries / Qaisar A. Shah, Scott E. Kasner, and Robert W. Hurst -- Direct carotid cavernous fistula / Uday S. Kanamalla, Charles A. Jungreis, and Jeffrey P. Kochan -- Endovascular management of intracranial aneurysms / Darren Orbach, Tibor Becske, and Peter Kim Nelson -- Endovascular treatment of post-subarachnoid hemorrhage vasospasm / Jonathan L. Brisman, David W. Newell, and Joseph M. Eskridge -- Endovascular management of brain arteriovenous malformations / John B. Weigele, Riyadh N. Al-Okaili, and Robert W. Hurst -- Endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke / Mayur A. Paralkar [and others] -- Endovascular treatment of extracranial carotid atherosclerotic disease / Eric Sauvageau [and others] -- Stenting and angioplasty for intracranial atherosclerotic occlusive disease / Nabil M. Akkawi and Ajay K. Wakhloo -- Endovascular management of dural arteriovenous fistulas / J. Marc C. van Dijk, Robert A. Willinsky -- Inferior petrosal sinus sampling in the diagnosis of pituitary adenomas / Nicholas J. Patronas and Donald L. Miller -- Endovascular treatment of spinal vascular malformations / Mayumi Oka and Kieran Murphy -- Percutaneous vertebroplasty / Mary E. Jensen.
Vascular anatomy of the head, neck, and skull base / Michele H. Johnson, Hjalti M. Thorisson, and Michael L. DiLuna -- Applied neurovascular anatomy of the brain and skull / Randy S. Bell, Alexander H. Vo, and Rocco A. Armonda -- Vascular anatomy of the spine and spinal cord / Armin K. Thron -- Intracranial collateral routes and anastomoses in interventional neuroradiology / David S. Liebeskind -- CT imaging and physiologic techniques in interventional neuroradiology / Ronald L. Wolf -- MR angiography: principles and applications in interventional neuroradiology / Neerav R. Mehta and Elias R. Melhem -- Ultrasonographic imaging and physiological techniques in interventional neuroradiology / Jaroslaw Krejza -- Techniques and devices in interventional neuroradiology / Jeffrey M. Katz, Y. Pierre Gobin, and Howard A. Riina -- Balloon occlusion, Wada, and pharmacological testing / Linda J. Bagley -- Endovascular management of tumors and vascular malformations of the head and neck / Johnny C. Pryor, Joshua A. Hirsch, and Robert W. Hurst.
Interventional Neuroradiology uses advanced neuroimaging combined with endovascular techniques to guide catheters and devices through blood vessels to access structures of the head, neck, and central nervous system.
Nervous system-- Interventional radiology.
Cardiovascular System-- anatomy & histology.
Central Nervous System-- blood supply.
Cerebrovascular Disorders-- diagnosis.
Cerebrovascular Disorders-- surgery.
Radiology, Interventional-- methods.
Maladies cérébrovasculaires-- Radiothérapie.
Radiologie interventionnelle.
Système cardiovasculaire-- anatomie et histologie.