Cognition, metacognition, and problem-based learning -- Oon-Seng Tan -- Psychological tools in problem-based learning -- Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Ellina Chernobilsky, and Maria Carolina DaCosta -- Critical thinking, metacognition, and problem-based learning -- Peggy A. Weissinger -- Exploring the cognitive processes of problem-based learning and their relationship to talent development -- William Y. Wu and Victor Forrester -- Reflective practice and problem-based learning course portfolio -- Mary Sue Baldwin and Valerie McCombs -- Teachers as coaches of cognitive processes in problem-based learning -- Boon-Tiong Ho -- Problem-based learning in medical education: curriculum reform and alignment of expected outcomes -- Matthew C.E. Gwee -- Collaboration, dialogue, and critical openness through problem-based learning processes -- Moira G.C. Lee and Oon-Seng Tan -- Facilitating collaborative inquiry: a case illustration -- Ruth O. Beltran and Shane John Merritt -- Toward a model for web-enhanced problem-based learning -- Barbara Grabowski, Younghoon Kim, and Tiffany Koszalka -- Integrating problem-based learning and technology in education -- George Watson -- Looking ahead: the best way forward for problem-based learning approaches -- Oon-Seng Tan.
Provides international perspectives on how problem-based learning (PBL) practices can enhance thinking. Captures the art and science of PBL from the perspectives of pedagogy, psychology and technology.