Front Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Introduction; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1 Why local media matter; Chapter 2 Regional and local newspapers: just another retailer?; Chapter 3 Imagining the community; Chapter 4 Local broadcasting: what price public service?; Chapter 5 Must broadcast regional news be anodyne?; Chapter 6 A delicate balance: media in the nations of the UK; Chapter 7 Working in local media: from smoke-filled rooms to sweatshops; Chapter 8 What is the future for local media?; References; Index; Back Cover.
How will local media deal with the challenge of the Internet? This work explains how regional newspapers and broadcast news are owned, regulated and organized; how these factors produce the outputs we see and hear; what we know of audiences' attitude to them; and discusses local media as places of work.
Understanding the local media.
Local mass media-- Great Britain.
Local mass media.
Lokale omroep.
Lokale pers.
SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Media Studies.
Sociologische aspecten.
Great Britain.
Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland.