Front Cover; Advances in Parasitology, Volume 3; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume 3; Preface; Chapter 1. Biological Aspects of Trypanosomiasis Research; I. Introduction; II. The Trypanosome; III. The Arthropodan vector; IV. The Vertebrate Host; V. The Trypanosome in the Arthropodan Vector; VI. The Trypanosome in the Mammalian Host; VII. The Trypanosome, the Arthropodan Vector and the Mammalian Host; VIII. Conclusion; References; Chapter 2. Relationships between the Species of Fasciola and their Molluscan Hosts; I. The Species of Fasciola.
II. The Life History of the Liver FlukeIII. The Snail Hosts; IV. Host Specificity; V. Factors Affecting the Development of the Parasite within the Snail; VI. Host Resistance; VII. The Pathogenicity of Infection in Snails; VIII. Factors Influencing the Emergence and Survival of Cercariae; IX. The Epidemiology of Infection with Fasciola; References; Chapter 3. Paragonimus and Paragonimiasis; I. Introduction; II. Species of Paragonimus; III. Species Differentiation; IV. Life Cycle; V. Biology and Physiology; VI. Development in Definitive Hosts; VII. Epidemiology; VIII. Pathology.
III. Geographical Distribution and Incidence of InfectionIV. Relationship to Human and Animal Diseases; V. Conclusion; References; Chapter 6. Feeding in Ectoparasitic Acari with Special Reference to Ticks; I. Introduction; II. Feeding in Larval Trombiculid Mites; III. Feeding in Ticks; IV. Digestion in Ticks; V. Preliminary Conditions prior to Haemolysis and Digestion; VI. Haemolysis; VII. Digestion and Absorption; VIII. Removal of Undigested Residues; IX. The Process of Engorgement under Field Conditions; X. Rhythmicity of Detachment of Repleted Ticks.
IX. SymptomatologyX. Diagnosis; XI. Treatment; XII. Control; References; Chapter 4. In vitro Cultivation Procedures for Parasitic Helminths; I. Introduction; II. Terminology; III. Problems and Goals; IV. Review of Literature; V. Nematodes; VI. Cestodes; VII. Trematodes; VIII. Acanthocephala; IX. Discussion; References; Chapter 5. Biology and Distribution of the Rat Lungworm. Angiostrongylus cantonensis, and its Relationship to Eosinophilic Meningoencephalitis and other Neurological Disorders of Man and Animals; I. Introduction; II. Life Cycle.
XI. Factors Influencing Attachment to the HostXII. Feeding Sites on Natural Hosts, with Particular Reference to the Genus Ixodes in Britain; XIII. Food Sources Available to Ticks; XIV. Host-Tick Nutritional Relationships in Disease Transmission; References; Author Index; Subject Index.