Pharmacoeconomics: principles, methods, and applications -- Health outcomes and quality of life -- Evidence-based medicine -- Documentation of pharmacy services -- Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics -- Pharmacogenetics -- Pediatrics -- Geriatrics -- Pharmacoepidemiology -- Clinical toxicology -- Emergency preparedness: identification and management of biological exposures -- Emergency preparedness: identification and management of chemical and radiological exposures -- Cardiovascular testing -- Cardiopulmonary arrest -- Hypertension -- Heart failure -- Ischemic heart disease -- Acute coronary syndromes -- The arrhythmias -- Diastolic heart failure and the cardiomyopathies -- Venous thromboembolism -- Stroke -- Hyperlipidemia -- Peripheral arterial disease -- Use of vasopressors and inotropes in the pharmacotherapy of shock -- Hypovolemic shock -- Introduction to pulmonary function testing -- Asthma -- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -- Pulmonary hypertension -- Drug-induced pulmonary diseases -- Cystic fibrosis -- Evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract -- Gastroesophageal reflux disease -- Peptic ulcer disease -- Inflammatory bowel disease -- Nausea and vomiting -- Diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome -- Portal hypertension and cirrhosis -- Drug-induced liver disease -- Pancreatitis -- Viral hepatitis -- Drug therapy individualization in patients with hepatic disease or genetic alterations in drug metabolizing activity -- Quantification of renal function -- Acute renal failure -- Chronic kidney disease: progression-modifying therapies -- Chronic kidney disease: management of complications -- Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis -- Drug-induced kidney disease -- Glomerulonephritis -- Drug therapy individualization for patients with renal insufficiency -- Disorders of sodium and water homeostasis -- Disorders of calcium and phosphorus homestasis -- Disorders of potassium and magnesium homeostasis -- Acid-base disorders -- Evaluation of neurologic illness -- Multiple sclerosis -- Epilepsy -- Status epilepticus -- Acute management of the brain injury patient -- Parkinson's disease -- Pain management -- Headache disorders -- Evaluation of psychiatric illness -- Childhood disorders -- Eating disorders -- Alzheimer's disease -- Substance-related disorders: overview and depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens -- Substance-related disorders: alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine -- Schizophrenia -- Depressive disorders -- Bipolar disorder -- Anxiety disorders I: generalized anxiety, panic, and social anxiety disorders -- Anxiety disorders II: posttraumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Sleep disorders -- Developmental disabilities -- Diabetes mellitus -- Thyroid disorders -- Adrenal gland disorders -- Pituitary gland disorders -- Pregnancy and lactation: therapeutic considerations -- Contraception -- Menstruation-related disorders -- Endometriosis -- Hormone therapy in women -- Erectile dysfunction -- Management of benign -- Urinary incontinence -- Function and evaluation of the immune system -- Systemic lupus erythematosus and other collagen-vascular diseases -- Allergic and pseudoallergic drug reactions -- Solid-organ transplantation -- Osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases -- Rheumatoid arthritis -- Osteoarthritis -- Gout and hyperuricemia -- Glaucoma -- Allergic rhinitis -- Dermatologic drug reactions and self-treatable skin disorders -- Acne vulgaris -- Psoriasis -- Atopic dermatitis -- Hematopoiesis -- Anemias -- Coagulation disorders -- Sickle cell disease -- Drug-induced hematologic disorders -- Laboratory tests to direct antimicrobial pharmacotherapy -- Antimicrobial regimen selection -- Central nervous system infections -- Lower respiratory tract infections -- Upper respiratory tract infections -- Influenza -- Skin and soft-tissue infections -- Infective endocarditis -- Tuberculosis -- Gastrointestinal infections and enterotoxigenic poisonings -- Intraabdominal infections -- Parasitic diseases -- Urinary tract infections and prostatitis -- Sexually transmitted diseases -- Bone and joint infections -- Sepsis and septic shock -- Superficial fungal infections -- Invasive fungal infections -- Infections in immunocompromised patients -- Antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery -- Vaccines, toxoids, and other immunobiologics -- Human immunodeficiency virus infection -- Cancer treatment and chemotherapy -- Breast cancer -- Lung cancer -- Colorectal cancer -- Prostate cancer -- Lymphomas -- Ovarian cancer -- Acute leukemias -- Chronic leukemias -- Multiple myeloma -- Myelodysplastic syndromes -- Skin cancer -- Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation -- Assessment of nutrition status and nutrition requirements -- Prevalence and significance of malnutrition -- Parenteral nutrition -- Enteral nutrition -- Nutritional considerations in major organ failure -- Obesity.
This book covers, the scope of this trusted resource goes beyond drug indications and dosages to include the initial selection, proper administration, and monitoring of drugs. The book also delivers psychosocial issues that affect compliance ... topics related to a patient's ability to understand and manage often-complex therapy ... and lifestyle changes that may reduce the need for drug therapy or improve pharmacotherapeutic outcomes. This 7th edition provides safe, efficacious drug therapy across the full range of therapeutic categories. "Clinical Controversies" boxes-presented in the Treatment sections of the disease-oriented chapters-examine the complicated issues faced by students and clinicians in providing drug therapy. "Evaluation of Therapeutic Outcomes" boxes in each disease-specific chapter, containing key monitoring guidelines that facilitate the development of a pharmaceutical, nursing, or medical care plan.