Chapter 1: Introduction: Reframing Humans and Information Systems; Chapter 2: On the Emergence of Techno-religious Spaces: Implications for Design and End Users; Chapter 3: Towards Lifeworld-Oriented Information Systems Development; Chapter 4: Understanding the Business Client -- Systems Developer Relationship: A Power Perspective; Chapter 5: A Semiotic Analysis of Interactions Between End Users and Information Systems; Chapter 6: Information Systems Development as an Intellectual Process: Designers' Perceptions of Users; Chapter 7: Participatory Design in Information Systems Development.
Modern society has been transformed by the digital convergence towards a future where technologies embed themselves into the fabric of everyday life. This ongoing merging of social and technological infrastructures provides and necessitates new possibilities to renovate past notions, models and methods of information systems development that accommodates humans as actors within the infrastructure. This shift introduces new possibilities for information systems designers to fulfil more and more everyday functions, and to enhance their value and worth to the user. "Reframing Humans in Infor.
Reframing humans in information systems development.
Human-computer interaction.
User-centered system design.
COMPUTERS-- Software Development & Engineering-- Systems Analysis & Design.