1. Finding Your Money; 2. Protecting Your Money: Safe Harbors; 3. Buttoning Down: The Frugal Budget; 4. Tapping into Your Assets: When You Run Out of Cash; 5. Ramping Up Your Savings; 6. Fighting Foreclosure and Higher Property Taxes; 7. Surviving Credit Card Crunch; 8. Managing Your Brokerage and 401(k) Accounts; 9. Saving and Paying for College; 10. Helping Those of a Certain Age; 11. Anticipating the Pink Slip; 12. Surviving the Pink Slip; 13. Getting Work When There Is No Work; 14. Having Fun: It's Chic to Be Cheap; Recession Punch; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M.
NO; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W.
Personal-finance author Nancy Dunnan offers back-to-basics advice to ease the financial squeeze of our turbulent economy with over 150 tips and resources to help you survive the recession and come out on top,
OverDrive, Inc.
OverDrive, Inc.
Recession-proof your financial life.
Finance, Personal.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Personal Finance-- Budgeting.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Personal Finance-- Money Management.