The genomic basis of breast development and differentiation / Jose Russo and Irma H. Russo -- Mammary glands, stem cells, and breast cancer / David L. Mack, Gilbert H. Smith, and Brian W. Booth -- The genetics of breast cancer: application in clinical practice / Antonio Russo [and others] -- Alterations in cell cycle regulatory genes in breast cancer / Annalisa Roberti, Marcella Macaluso, and Antonio Giordano -- Neuregulins in the nucleus / Carol M. McClelland and William J. Gullick -- Role of the EGF-CFC family in mammary gland development and neoplasia / Luigi Strizzi [and others] -- Modeling human breast cancer: the use of transgenic mice / Rachelle L. Dillon and William J. Muller -- Gene expression profiling in breast cancer: clinical applications / Giuseppe Russo and Antonio Giordano -- TGF-[beta] signaling: a novel target for treatment of breast cancer? / Jason D. Lee and Gerard C. Blobe -- DNA methylation in breast cancer / Moshe Szyf -- Signal transduction inhibitors in the treatment of breast cancer / Monica R. Maiello [and others] -- Integration of target-based agents in current protocols of breast cancer therapy / Maria Carmela Piccirillo [and others].
Breast Cancer is the most common tumor in women and it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Due to breakthroughs in gene profiling, the knowledge of the pathophysiology of the mammary gland had greatly increased over the last decade. In Breast Cancer in the Post Genomic Era, Antonio Giordano, Nicola Normanno, and a panel of international authorities in their field provide a comprehensive approach to the biology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of human breast carcinoma. The book provides a comprehensive approach to breast cancer, describing the use of gene profiling techniques to distinguish specific features of individual carcinomas, as well as emerging novel therapeutic approaches to treatment. Additional chapters cover the use of transgenic mice to model human breast cancer and the role of the EGF-CFC family in mammary gland development and neoplasia. Breast Cancer in the Post Genomic-Era succeeds in looking at breast cancer pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment under a more comprehensive light, and is a valuable resource for any Radiation or Surgical Oncologist, Cancer Biologist or Pathologist.