Front Cover; Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry, Volume 4; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors To Volume 4; Charter 1. The Structure and Configuration of Sucrose (a-D-Glucopyranosyl-ß- D-Fructofuranoside); I. Introduction; II. Earlier Observations on Structure; III. Determination of the Cyclic Structures in Sucrose; IV. Configuration of the Glycosidic Bonds in Sucrose; V. The Related Structure of Isosucrose; VI. Biochemical Syntheses in the Sucrose Series; Charter 2. Blood Group Polysaccharides; I. Introduction; II. Blood Group Substances from Erythrocytes
II. The Phytochemical Reduction of AldehydesIII. The Phytochemical Reduction of Ketones; IV. The Phytochemical Reduction of Diketones and Quinones; V. The Phytochemical Reduction of Polycarbonyl Compounds; VI. The Phytochemical Reduction of Heterocyclic Compounds; VII. The Phytochemical Reduction of Unsaturated Ethylenic Linkages; VIII. The Phytochemical Reduction of Thioaldehydes and Disulfides; IX. The Phytochemical Conversion of Thiosulfate into Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfite and the Bioreduction of Other Inorganic Compounds
III. Blood Group Substances from Other SourcesIV. Properties and Chemistry of blood group Substances; V. Naturally Occurring Polysaccharide Complexes of Interest in Connection with Blood Group Substances; VI. Antigenic Properties of Blood Group Substances; VII. Artificial Antigens from Blood Group Substances; VIII. Destruction of Blood Group Substances by Specific Enzymes; Charter 3. Apiose and the Glycosides of the Parsley Plant; I. Introduction; II. Definition of the Names Apiin, Petroselinin, Apigenin and Diosmetin; III. Early Knowledge of Parsley and Its Glycosides
IV. Investigations of ""Crude Apigenin""V. Synthesis of 5,7,4'-Trihydroxyflavone by v. Kostanecki and the Establish-ment of Its Identity with Natural Apigenin; VI. Isolation of Diosmetin from "Crude Apigenin" and Its Identification as 5,7,3'-Trihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone; VII. The Carbohydrate Components of the Parsley Glycosides; VIII. The Configuration of Apiose; IX. Discussion of Possible Formulas for Apiin and Petroselinin; X. The Action of Alkali on Apiin and 7-Apigenin ß-D-Glucopyranoside; Charter 4. Biochemical Reductions at the Expense of Sugars; I. Introduction
X. The Phytochemical Conversion of Nitrogen-Oxygen Compounds and Other Nitro CompoundsXI. General Considerations Regarding the Character of Phytochemical Reduc-tions; XII. Phytochemical Reductions by Means of Microbes; Charter 5. The Acylated Nitriles of Aldonic Acids and Their Degradation; I. Introduction; II. The Nitriles of the Aldonic Acids; III. Degradation of the Nitriles of the Aldonic Acids; IV. The Diamide Compounds of the Aldoses; V. Summary of the Application of the Degradation; VI. Tables; Charter 6. Wood Saccharification; I. Introduction; II. History of Wood Saccharification