Pronouncing French -- Daily Tools -- Articles -- Nouns -- Possession -- Pronouns -- The Present Tense of Verbs -- Negation -- Interrogatives and Exclamations -- Adjectives -- Adverbs -- Comparisons -- Prepositions -- The Passé Composé -- The Imperfect -- The Future and the Conditional -- Reflexive Verbs -- The Subjunctive -- Appendix A. Synonyms and Antonyms -- Appendix B. Thematic Vocabulary -- Appendix C. Verb Charts.
CliffsQuickReview course guides cover the essentials of your toughest classes. Get a firm grip on core concepts and key material, and test your newfound knowledge with review questions. Whether want to use your language skills as a student, traveler, or businessperson, CliffsQuickReview French I can help. This guide introduces each the basics of French structure and vocabulary. The clear-cut, concise explanations and thematic lists of high-frequency words are handy means of enhancing your memory. In no time, you'll be ready to tackle other concepts in this book such asPronunci.