Front Cover; Advances in Parasitology, Volume 1; Copyright Page; CONTENTS; Contributors to Volume 1; Preface; Chapter 1. Experimental Research on Avian Malaria; I. Introduction; II. Historical; III. Recent Advances in Research on Plasmodium; IV. Research on Haemoproteus; V. Research on Leucocytozoon; VI. Present Status of Research on Avian Malaria; VII. Areas for Future Development; References; Chapter 2. Coccidia and Coccidiosis in the Domestic Fowl and Turkey; I. Introduction; II. The Pathology and the Life Cycles of the Species of Eimeria in Fowls.
III. Summary and ForecastReferences; Chapter 6. Larvae and Larval Development of Monogeneans; I. Introduction; II. Morphology of Monogenean Larvae; III. Post Onco miracidial Development; IV. The Development of the Haptor of the Adult in Polyopisthocoty- lineans; V. Discussion; VI. Summary; References; Author Index; Subject Index.
III. The Pathology and the Life Cycle of the Species of Eimeria occurring in TurkeysIV. Oocyst Production of Different Species; V. Cytochemical Observations on Stages of the Coccidial Life Cycle; VI. Immunity to Coccidiosis; Chapter 3. The Infective Stage of Nematode Parasites and its Significance in Parasitism; I. Introduction; II. General Form of the Life Cycle; III. Modifications of the Life Cycle for Dispersal and Parasitism; IV. Infective Stages; V. The Physiology of Infective Stages; VI. The Behaviour of Infective Stages; VII. The Survival of Infective Stages.
VIII. The Process of InfectionIX. The Nature of Infectiousness; Acknowledgement; References; Chapter 4. Parasitic Bronchitis; I. Introduction; II. The Parasite; III. The Parasite in the Pasture; IV. Pathology; V. The Treatment of Husk; VI. Naturally Acquired Immunity; VII. Passive Immunization; VIII. Active Immunization; IX. The Measurement of Helminth Immunity; X. Vaccination; XI. The Mechanism of Immunity; XII. Conclusion; Acknowledgement; References; Chapter 5. Experimental Trichiniasis; I. Introduction; II. Anatomical and Physiological Alterations in Hamsters, Rats and Mice.