Cover; Title; Contents; Dedication; About the author and contributor; Foreword by Kathleen McGrath; Acknowledgements; Introduction; What causes IBS?; Can I be sure that I don't have something else?; What can I do about IBS?; What about diet and IBS?; How accurate is this book?; Finally . . .; 1 How the gut works -- the normal effects of food; The mouth; The esophagus; The stomach; The duodenum; The small bowel; The large bowel; The rectum, anal canal and anus; Summary; 2 Epidemiology -- who gets IBS?; Life factors; IBS and other conditions; The future; Summary; 3 What causes IBS?
Complementary medicine and the placebo response Herbal medicine; Hypnosis; Acupuncture; Colonic hydrotherapy; Conclusion; Summary; 13 Medical tests and investigations: what they involve and what they mean; Colonoscopy; Flexible sigmoidoscopy; Barium enema; Gastroscopy; Barium follow-through; Ultrasound scans; CT (computed tomography) scans; Endoscopic capsules; Problems and solutions; Conclusion; Summary; Glossary; Appendix 1 Useful resources; Appendix 2 Medicines available 'over the counter' for treating IBS in the UK; Copyright
Functional abdominal pain syndrome What should make me worry about cancer?; Endometriosis; Medically unexplained abdominal pain; Summary; 6 Bloating and wind; Gas in the bowel; What causes bloating in IBS?; Food and bloating; Problems and solutions; Summary; 7 Constipation; Is my bowel habit normal?; Why do I get constipated?; Fibre and constipation; Laxatives; Overflow constipation and diarrhoea; Problems and solutions; Conclusion; Summary; 8 Diarrhoea and faecal incontinence; The causes of diarrhoea; Lactose intolerance; Small bowel bacterial overgrowth; Giardiasis; Coeliac disease
Inflammatory bowel disease Dietary fibre and diarrhoea; Medication that slows the bowel; Problems and solutions; Faecal incontinence; Itchy anus (pruritus ani); Conclusion; Summary; 9 Alternating diarrhoea and constipation; Problems and solutions; Conclusion; Summary; 10 Food allergy and intolerance; Commonly implicated foods; A dietary approach to IBS; Conclusion; Summary; 11 Psychological aspects of IBS; Why consider psychological problems?; Stress; Psychological treatment; What about medication?; Formal psychological treatment; Conclusion; Summary; 12 Complementary medicine
Is IBS a psychological disorder?Candida syndrome -- yeast infection or hypersensitivity?; Small bowel bacterial overgrowth; Food allergy and intolerance; Inflammation in the bowel; Visceral hypersensitivity; Summary; 4 Pain in IBS; The nature of pain; Treatment; Conclusion; Summary; 5 Recognising abdominal pain that is not due to IBS; Gall stones; Pancreatitis; Stomach and duodenal ulcers; Gastro-oesophageal reflux (acid eflux; Dysmotility of the stomach (non-ulcer dyspepsia); Crohn's disease; Appendicitis; Ulcerative colitis; Diverticular disease; Adhesions; Renal colic; Slipping rib syndrome
Medically accurate, no-nonsense answers to over 430 questions about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).