Front Cover; Advances in Geophysics, Volume 17; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Contributors; Chapter 1. Tropical Cyclones; 1. Introduction; 2. Aspects of Tropical Meteorology; 3. Models of a Mature Tropical Cyclone; 4. Theory of Tropical Cyclone Intensification; 5. Concluding Remarks; Appendix A. Estimating the Kinetic Energy and Water Content of Hurricanes; Appendix B. The Moist Adiabat; Partial List of Symbols; References; Note Added in Proof; Chapter 2. A Numerical Study of Vacillation; 1. Introduction; 2. The Laboratory Simulation of Large-Scale Atmospheric Flow.
3. A Model Atmosphere for the Study of Vacillation4. The Spectral Dynamics and Energetics of the Model; 5. The Numerical Study of Vacillation; 6. Vacillation in the Atmosphere; List of Symbols; References; Chapter 3. Filter Techniques in Gravity Interpretation; 1. Introduction; 2. Convolution Filtering; 3. Upward and Downward Continuation of the Surface Gravity Effect; 4. Frequency Filtering; 5. Calculation of Derivatives of Higher Order; Appendices; List of Symbols; References; Chapter 4. Aerial Methods in Geological-Geographical Explorations; 1. Introduction; 2. Radar Aerial Survey.
3. Infrared Aerial Survey4. Aerogeochemical Survey: Remote Sensing of Gases and Vapors; 5. Conclusions; References; Subject Index.