Front Cover; Advances in Agronomy, Volume 51; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1. Gypsum and Acid Soils: The World Scene; I. Introduction; II. Composition and Properties of Gypsum Materials; III. Gypsum as an Ameliorant for Acid Subsoils; IV. Gypsum as an Ameliorant for Soil Physical Properties; V. Conclusions; References; Chapter 2. Conservation Tillage: An Ecological Approach to Soil Management; I. Introduction; II. Conservation Tillage and the Environment; III. Soil Physical Properties; IV. Soil Chemical Properties; V. Surface Mulch Management.
V. Status and Future Directions of Integrated Pest ManagementVI. Conclusions; References; Chapter 5. Accumulation of Cadmium in Crop Plants and Its Consequences to Human Health; I. Introduction; II. Occurrence of Cadmium in the Agricultural Environment; III. Accumulation of Cadmium: Whole-Plant Studies; IV. Accumulation of Cadmium: Cellular and Subcellular Aspects; V. Contribution of Agricultural Products to Human Intake of Cadmium; VI. Health Consequences of Cadmium Intake in Humans; VII. Attempts to Manipulate Plants to Reduce the Cadmium Content of Crops: Promise and Problems.
VI. Nutrient ManagementVII. Pest Management; VIII. Conclusions; References; Chapter 3. Transposable Elements in Maize: Their Role in Creating Plant Genetic Variability; I. Introduction: The Heterogeneity Question; II. Maize Breeding Accomplishments: What the Plant Breeder Has Wrought; III. Transposable Elements; References; Chapter 4. Concepts and Directions in Arthropod Pest Management; I. Introduction; II. Concepts of Integrated Pest Management; III. Components of Integrated Pest Management; IV. Ecological and Environmental Considerations.
VIII. SummaryReferences; Index.
Volume 51 is a compilation of cutting-edge reviews written by leading crop and soil scientists. Several chapters emphasize ecology and the environment: conservation tillage with emphasis on ecological approaches to soil management, especially its effects on the environment, soil physical and chemical properties, and surface mulch, nutrient, and pest management; a complete and contemporary review on integrated pest management, ecological and environmental considerations, and future directions; a comprehensive review of cadmium accumulation in plants and its effects on human health. Other topics which are of interest to agronomists around the world include a comprehensive review on gypsum and acid soils; and transposable elements in maize and their role in creating plant genetic variability. Key Features * Gypsum and acid soils * Conservation tillage * Transposable elements in maize * Concepts and directions in arthropod pest management * Accumulation of cadmium in crop plants and its consequences to human health.