"This book arose out of a set of sessions held at the 2006 Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society ... in London"--Acknowledgements.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Voices from the trueque: barter networks resistance to neoliberalism in Argentina / Pete North -- Confounding neoliberalism: priests, privatization and social justice in the Peruvian Andes / Elizabeth Olson -- Travelling neoliberalism: Polish and Ghanaian migrant workers in London / Jon May [and others] -- Neoliberalization and its discontents: the experience of working poverty in Manchester / Vincent Pattison -- Bargaining with the devil: neoliberalization, informal work and workers' resistance in the clothing industry of Turkey / Ergül Ergün -- Transitions to work and the making of neoliberal selves: growing up in (the former) East Germany / Kathrin Horschelmann -- The emergence of a working poor: labour markets, neoliberalization and diverse economies in post-socialist cities / Adrian Smith [and others] -- Difference without dominance: social justice and the (neoliberal) economy in urban development / Colin Marx -- Conclusion: Neoliberalization, social justice and resistance / Alison Stenning, Adrian Smith, and Katie Willis.
"Social Justice and Neoliberalism explores the connections between neoliberalism, social justice and exclusion. The authors raise critical questions about the extent to which neoliberal programmes are able to deliver social justice in different locations around the world. The book offers grounded, theoretically oriented, empirically rich analysis that critiques neoliberalism while understanding its material impacts. It also stresses the need to extend analyses beyond the dominant spheres of capitalism to look at the ways in which communities resist and remake the economic and social order, through contestation and protest but also in their everyday lives." "Global in scope, this book brings together writers who examine these themes in the global South, the former 'communist' East and the West, using the experience of marginal peoples, places and communities to challenge our conceptions of capitalism and its geographies."--Jacket.
Ingram Content Group
Social justice and neoliberalism.
Economic development-- Political aspects, Congresses.
Economic development-- Social aspects, Congresses.
Neoliberalism, Congresses.
Social justice, Congresses.
Economic development-- Political aspects.
Economic development-- Social aspects.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Ideologies-- Conservatism & Liberalism.
Social justice.
Soziale Gerechtigkeit
POL-- 042020
Smith, Adrian,1966-
Stenning, Alison.
Willis, Katie,1968-
Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain)., Conference(2006 :, London, England)