Introduction -- A brief overview of yoga in the Indian tradition -- Fakirs, yogins, Europeans -- Popular portrayals of the yogin -- India and the international physical culture movement -- Modern Indian physical culture : degeneracy and experimentation -- Yoga as physical culture I : strength and vigor -- Yoga as physical culture II : harmonial gymnastics and esoteric dance -- The medium and the message : visual reproduction and the āsana revival -- T. Krishnamacharya and the Mysore āsana revival.
This volume examines the roots and early development of modern hatha (postural) yoga. The author concentrates on the transition from the classical conception of yoga as a philosophical system to the version we recognize today. He argues that the popularly practiced yoga of today owes a greater debt to modern Indian nationalism and, even more surprisingly, to the spiritual aspirations of European bodybuilding and early 20th-century women's gymnastics movements of Europe and America, than it does to any ancient Indian yoga tradition.