Ch. 1. Introduction -- Ch. 2. Basic Probability Theory -- Ch. 3. Random Variables and Probability Distributions -- Ch. 4. Mathematics of Expectations -- Ch. 5. Multivariate Distributions -- Ch. 6. Sampling and Sampling Distributions -- Ch. 7. Estimation -- Ch. 8. Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing -- Ch. 9. Simple Linear Regression -- Ch. 10. Inferences in Simple Linear Regression -- Ch. 11. Multiple Regression -- Ch. 12. Extending the Multiple Regression Model -- Ch. 13. Specification Error, Multicollinearity, and Measurement Error -- Ch. 14. Heteroskedasticity and Serial Correlation -- Ch. 15. Simultaneous Equations -- Ch. 16. Dummy Dependent Variable Models -- Ch. 17. Analysis of Time Series Data -- Ch. 18. Panel Data Models -- App. A. Review of Probability and Statistics.