The Westron turned into modern English : the translator and Tolkien's web of languages / Thomas Honegger -- "The new one wants to assimilate the alien." Different interpretations of a source text as a reason for controversy : the 'old' and the 'new' German translation of The lord of the rings / Rainer Nagel -- The Israeli translation controversy--what about and where to? / Danny Orbach (with contributions by Yuval Kfir and Yuval Welis) -- Estne Tolkien latine reddendus? a light-hearted look at some of the challenges / Richard Sturch -- Dutch Samizdat : the mensink--van Warmelo translation of The lord of the rings / Mark T. Hooker -- The treatment of proper names in the German edition(s) of The lord of the rings as an example of norms in translation practice / Rainer Nagel -- Tolkien in Swedish translation : from hompen to ringarnas herre / Anders Stenström -- Tolkien, our judge of Peter Jackson / Vincent Ferré̌ -- Humiliated heroes : Peter Jackson's interpretation of The lord of the rings / Anthony S. Burdge & Jessica Burke -- The adaptation of The lord of the rings, a critical comment / Øystein Høgset -- The professor and the director and good vs. evil in Middle-earth / James Dunning -- The soundtrack lyrics of Peter Jackson's Lord of the rings--a legitimate 'translation' of Tolkien? / Alexandra Velten.
Twelve essays dealing with the problems and challenges connected with translating Tolkien's work into different languages, as well as into film.
Translating Tolkien.
Tolkien, J. R. R., (John Ronald Reuel),1892-1973., Lord of the rings.