Includes bibliographical references (pages 285-308) and index.
""Table of Contents""; ""Note on the English Edition""; ""Ackowledgments""; ""Introduction""; ""Part I Early Wrtitings (1663-1671)""; ""1 Leibniz's Program: The Plan of Catholic Demonstrations""; ""2 The Early Polemic against the Socinians""; ""3 The Inquiry into the Mind""; ""4 The Relation between Revelation and Knowledge""; ""Part II Fragments of a System (1672 -- 1692)""; ""5 The Conformity of Faith with Reason""; ""6 Sola Scriptura? The Interpretation of the Scriptures and the Authority of Tradition""; ""7 On the Triune God and On the Person of Christ""
""Part III English Trinitarian Polemics (1693�1705)""""8 Between Tritheism and Modalism""; ""9 The Case of Freke: On the Mathematical Method in Theology""; ""10 Stillingfl eet versus Locke and Toland: On Clear and Distinct Ideas""; ""Part IV The Last Years (1706�1716)""; ""11 Islam, Kabbalah, and the Trinity: The Polemic regarding the Historical Dissertations by M.V. de La Croze""; ""12 The Socinians Again""; ""13 The Curtain Call""; ""List of Abbreviations""; ""Notes""; ""Bibliography""; ""Index""
Leibniz penned his reflections on Christian theology, yet this wealth of material has never been systematically gathered or studied. This book addresses an important and central aspect of these neglected materials - Leibniz's writings on two mysteries central to Christian thought, the Trinity and the Incarnation.
Leibniz on the Trinity and the Incarnation.
Trinità e incarnazione.
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm,1646-1716.
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm,(1646-1716)-- Critique et interprétation.