Appendices: Selected CD molecules and their characteristics -- Laboratory reference values -- Chemokines -- Cytokines.
System lupus erythematosus -- Rheumatoid arthritis -- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis -- Sjogren's syndröme -- Systemic sclerosis -- Inflammatory muscle disease -- Spondyloarthritis -- Small- and medium-vessel primary vasculitis -- Large-vessel vasculitides -- Autoinflammatory fever syndromes -- Antiphospholipid syndrome -- Immunohematologic disorders -- Bullous diseases of the skin and mucous membranes -- Myasthenia gravis -- Multiple sclerosis -- Autoimmune peripheral neuropathies -- Immunology renal diseases -- Inflammation and atherothrombosis -- Autoimmune thyroid diseases -- Diabetes and related autoimmune diseases -- Immunologic lung diseases -- Sarcoidosis -- Immunologic ocular disease -- Immunologic disease of the gastrointestinal tract -- Inflammatory hepatobiliary cirrhosis -- Lymphoid leukemias -- Lymphomas including Hodkin lymphoma -- Monoclonal gammopathies -- Tumor immunology and immunotherapy -- Concepts and challenges in transplantation: rejection, immunosuppression and tolerance -- Challenges and potentials of xenotransplantation -- Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for malignant diseases -- Stem cell transplantation and immune reconstitution -- thymic reconstitution -- Immunoglobulin therapy: replacement and immunomodulation -- Gene transfer therapy of immunologic diseases -- Glucocorticoids -- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs -- Antihistamines -- Immunonodulating pharmaceuticals -- Protein kinase antagonists as therapeutic agents for immunological and inflammatory disorders -- Vaccines -- Immunotherapy of allergic disease -- Cytokine therapy -- Monoclonal antibodies and fusion proteins -- Assessment of proteins of the immune system -- Flow cytometry -- Assessment of functional immune responses -- Assessment of neutrophil function -- Assessment of human allergic diseases -- Molecular methods.
The human response system -- Organization of the immune system -- Innate immunity -- Antigen receptor genes, gene products, and co-receptors -- The major histocompatibility complex -- Antigens and antigen processing -- Antigen-presenting cells and antigen presentation -- B-cell development and differentiation -- T-cell development -- Cytokines and cytokine receptors -- Chemokines and chemokine receptors -- Lymphocyte adhesion and trafficking -- T-cell activation and tolerance -- Programmed cell death in lymphocytes -- Immunoglobulin function -- Regulatory T cells -- Helper T-cell subsets and control of the inflammatory response -- Cytotoxic lymphocyte function and natural killer cells -- Host defenses at mucosal surfaces -- Complement and complement deficiencies -- Phagocyte deficiencies -- Mast cells, basophils and mastocytosis -- Eosinophils and eosinophilia -- Immune response to extracellular bacteria -- Immune responses to intracellular bacteria -- Immune responses to spirochetes -- Immune responses to viruses -- Immune responses to protozoans -- Immune responses to helminths -- Evaluation of the immunodeficient patient -- Infections in the immunocompromised host -- Development of the fetal and neonatal immune system -- Aging and the immune system -- Primary antibody deficiencies -- Primnary T-cell immunodeficiencies -- Inherited disorders of IFN-g-, IFN-a/b-, and NF-kB-mediated immunity -- HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome -- Immunodeficiency due to congenital, metabolic, infectious, surgical, and environmental factors -- Pathogenesis of asthma -- Management of the asthmatic patient -- Rhinitis and sinusitis -- Urticaria, angiodema, and anaphylaxis -- Allergic reactions to stinging and biting insects -- Atopic and contact dermatitis -- Food allergy -- Eosinophil-associated gastrointestinal disorders (EGID) -- Allergic disorders of the eye -- Durg hypersensitivity -- Occupational and environmental allergic disorders -- Mechanisms of autoimmunity.
This third edition reflects the improved understanding clinical immunology, especially the nature of the molecular mechanisms underlying inflammatory responses to specific antigens. In addition to the classical diseases of the acquired immune system, this volume provides close attention to processes and diseases of inflammation and broadly a defined view of host references. The volume is enhanced by full color throughout. Clinical case photos are increased and are presented more usefully in the context of text disucssion.