e-learning, understanding, information retrieval, medical : proceedings of the first international workshop, Cagliari, Italy, 9-10 June 2003 /
edited by Sergio Vitulano.
London :
World Scientific,
1 online resource (x, 210 pages) :
Series on software engineering and knowledge engineering ;
v. 15
Includes bibliographical references.
Medical session / Chairman: M. Tegolo. An introduction to biometrics and face recognition / F. Perronnin, Jean-Luc Dugelay. The use of image analysis in the early diagnosis of oral cancer / R. Serpico, M. Petruzzi, M. De Benedittis. Lung edge detection in postero anterior chest radiographs / P. Campadelli, E. Casiraghi. Discrete tomography from noisy projections / C. Valenti. An integrated approach to 3D facial reconstruction from ancient skull / A.F. Abate [and others] -- e-Learning session / Chairman: M. Nappi. The e-Learning myth and the new university / V. Cantoni, M. Porta, M.G. Semenza -- e-learning -- the next big wave: how e-learning will enable the transformation of education / R. Straub, C. Milani -- Information retrieval session / Chairman: V. Cantoni. Query morphing for information fusion / S.-K. Chang -- Image representation and retrieval with topological trees / C. Grana [and others]. An integrated environment for control and management of pictorial information systems / A.F. Abate, R. Cassino, M. Tucci -- A low level image analysis approach to starfish detection / V. Di Gesú [and others]. A comparison among different methods in information retrieval / F. Cannavale, V. Savona, C. Scintu. HER: application on information retrieval / A. Casanova, M. Fraschini -- Understanding session : Chairman: Jean-Luc Dugalay. Issues in image understanding / V. Di Gesú. Information system in the clinical-health area / G. Madonna. A wireless-based system for an interactive approach to medical parameters exchange / G. Fenu [and others].
This volume emphasizes the primary role played by images in computer science. In the last two decades images have replaced written texts; the enormous possibilities of the image language have overcome written language in an ever-more-restricted ambit. An image is better than one thousand words; so it was straightforward to apply visual language in the field of computer science. Nowadays everything that appears on a computer screen is an image, regardless of whether it is a word or a picture. Is it possible to realize an e-learning program without working in terms of images? The answer is undoubtedly no, even if several problems arise in this context: the qualitative and quantitative content of the image we need to use for a specific task; the psychological effect on the user, including the level of attention and the correct perception of the image significance. Most of these problems form the basis of image-understanding techniques. Widespread use of images requires organization of the information in the databank or database, whose dimensions are sometimes so wide as to be too complex to manage; therefore information retrieval techniques arise from this need. The new instruments used in image and/or remote diagnosis, image transmission, the respect of the law in force and the ever-more-relevant image storage capacity required for this task imply the use of techniques of visual language and information retrieval.