The ecological values and functions of grassland field margin habitats / H. Sheridan, G. Purvis and G. O'Donovan -- The global extent of Black C in soils: is it everywhere? / Evelyn Krull [and others] -- Sustainable development of prataculture and ecological rehabilitation via shift from grain production to vegetative production in south China / Guodong Liu and Yuncong Li -- The real pattern in the species-area relationship: case study using ground beetles / Tibor Magura, Viktor Kodobocz and Bela Tothmeresz -- Solar power generation and use of grassland in ecology management / Xinping Zhou, Jiakuan Yang and Bo Xiao -- Benefits of multi-paddock grazing management on rangelands: limitations of experimental grazing research and knowledge gaps / Richard Teague [and others] -- Effects of long-term livestock removal on water infiltration rate in arid grasslands / Thomas J. Valone -- Floods recover the deterioration of grasslands and soils caused by cattle grazing in the flooding pampas of Argentina / Pedro Insausti, Miguel A. Taboada and Raul S. Lavado -- On the role of soil seed bank of rich pasture communities in a fragmented submediterranean landscape / Josep M. Ninot, Albert Petit and Carme Casas -- Re-creating plant and beetle assemblages of species-rich chalk grasslands on ex-arable land / Ben A. Woodcock [and others] -- Integrating vegetation ecology into contemporary phytoremediation technologies: a functional approach to phytoremediation / Marjana Regvar -- Vegetation and fire dynamics in southern Brazil during the late quaternary and their implication for conservation and management of modern grassland ecosystems / Hermann Behling and Valerio D. Pillar -- Grassland contribution to climate change in the Basque country: opportunities to mitigation / P. Merino [and others] -- The origin and age of grasslands in the southern Kuril Islands / N.G. Razzhigaeva [and others] -- Nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grasslands: key sources and abatement strategies (case study -- overwintering areas in the Czech Republic, central Europe) / Miloslav Simek.