Title from e-book title screen (viewed Apr. 12, 2008).
Cover -- Contents -- INTRODUCTION -- Corporate scandals -- Putting morality into capitalism -- 'corporate governance' -- Across the Atlantic -- Social responsibility -- 1 CADBURY, GREENBURY AND HAMPEL -- A. The Cadbury Code of best practice -- B. The Greenbury committee report -- C. The Hampel Committee -- 2 HIGGS, SMITH AND THE 'PARTICIPANTS' ROLES -- A. The Higgs and Smith Committees -- B. The participants' roles -- Evaluation -- 3 TURNBULL AND RISK -- The recommendations -- Risk management -- Disaster recovery in action -- Preparation -- Safety and the Board -- An increasing legal obligation -- 4 THE COMBINED CODE -- Combined Code of Corporate Governance -- The detailed requirements -- Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) -- The EU Good Governance Code -- International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) -- 5 REPORTING OUR RESPONSIBILITIES -- A. The operating and financial (or 'business') review -- Publication -- Complexity of reporting -- B. Human Capital Management -- C. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) -- Using society's resources -- Employee appeal -- Adverse publicity -- The sexual revolution -- Stakeholders -- The pertinent questions -- 6 THE EMPLOYEE INTERFACE -- Legal requirements -- Employees' financial involvement -- Works Councils -- Information/Consultation Forums -- The administration -- Elected representatives -- Reporting financial results -- Employee reports -- The future -- 7 ETHICS, FRAUD AND WHISTLEBLOWING -- A. Codes of Ethics -- B. Fraud -- C. Whistleblowing -- Course of action -- Legal actions -- APPENDICES -- 1 Directors' familiarisation -- Legal obligations -- Finance -- Board work -- Morality -- Accountability -- Employees -- 2 Draft rules and constitution for a Pre-existing agreement for an Information and Consultation Forum (ICF) -- A. Background -- B. Constitution -- 3 Draft non-executive directors combined contract for service -- 4 A gift policy -- 5 Corporate Social Responsibility/Risk Management checklist -- A. Items the Annual Report could address -- B. Additional questions for investment trusts -- C. Further reference -- 6 Directors assessment -- 7 Security policy -- Last Page.
Helps you conform to the demands of the law; control business risks; structure the delegation of authority; develop social responsibility programmes; and adopt codes of ethics. This report is an analysis of the practical application of Corporate Governance. It guides the reader through various aspects of the Corporate Governance programme.
Corporate governance.
Corporate governance.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Corporate Governance.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Organizational Development.