Includes bibliographical references (pages 158-159) and index.
I. What is modernism? -- II. What is postmodernism? -- Ihab Hassan -- Jean-Francois Lyotard -- Discourse, figure -- The Postmodern condition -- Frederic Jameson -- Postmodernism; or the cultural logic of late capitalism -- Jean Baudrillard -- Early writings -- "The orders of Simulacra" -- In the shadow of the silent majorities -- On seduction -- America -- The ecstasy of communication -- III. Modernist architecture -- IV. Postmodern architecture and art -- Charles Jencks -- V. Poststructuralism -- Michael Foucault (and Baudrilard on Foucault) -- Jacques Derrida -- deconstruction -- Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari -- David Harvey -- The condition of postmodernity -- VI. Postmodern artifacts -- Blade Runner -- Cyborgs -- Cyberpunk -- Neuromancer -- Teledidonics, audioanimatronic paparazzi & nano-rovers -- Madonna -- Untitled film stills (Cindy Sherman) -- MTV -- Barbie-art -- Blue velvet -- Wings of desire -- VII. Postmodern environmentalism -- VIII. What is Postmodernism (in retrospect) -- References.