Preface; Maple Magic; Signs of Spring; Preserve the Pie Plant; Herbs of Grace; Savoury Seasonings; Gone to Seed; Ginger It Up; Is There a Devil in the Dairy?; More Cheese, Please; Sunny Side Up; The Staff of Life; Tell the Bees We Need Them; Fairy Rings and Other Magic Morels; Catch of the Day; The Sweet Strawberry; Berry Delicious!; Bountiful Blueberries; A Bowl of Cherries; In Praise of the Peach; Bring Back the Beet!; Know Your Onions; Toothsome Tomatoes; The Indispensable Potato.
Nothing More Comforting is a reflection of our society: an eclectic mix of many different cultures and traditions. Dorothy Duncan -- with her extensive knowledge of heritage foods -- has chosen her favourite "Country Fare" columns from the popular Century Home magazine for this wonderful book on Canada's heritage cuisine. Each chapter focuses on one particular food or ingredient followed by historical facts and traditional recipes for you to try at home. Fast food restaurants and instant foods will never replace our seasonal and regional specialties: maple syrup, fiddleheads, rhubarb (pie plan.