Challenges in contemporary critical care / Sarah McGloin -- The physiological basis of critical illness / Mark Ranson -- The patient with haemodynamic compromise leading to renal dysfunction / Tracey Bowden and Anne McLeod -- The septic patient / Sarah McGloin -- The patient with acute respiratory failure / Anne McLeod -- The patient who has chronic respiratory failure / Glenda Esmond and Anne McLeod -- The patient with an intracranial insult / Anne McLeod -- The patient with a traumatic injury / Elaine Cole and Anne McLeod -- The patient with a diabetic emergency / Sarah McGloin -- The long-term patient in ITU / Phillipa Trendant -- Ethical considerations in critical care / Anne McLeod.
Advanced Practice in Critical Care provides experienced critical care nurses with a clear and distinct evidence base for contemporary critical care practice. Central to the book is the application of research and evidence to practice and therefore, case studies and key critical care clinical situations are used throughout to guide the reader through the patient care trajectory. €. €. Each chapter introduces an initial patient scenario and as the chapter progresses, the patient scenario develops with the theoretical perspectives and application. In this way, it is evident how multi-or.