Quality and equality in third world education / Anthony R. Welch -- the tension between quantity and quality in Nicaraguan education / Robert F. Arnove -- The struggle to achieve quality: a case study of Palestinian education / Ibtisam Abu-Duhou -- the mirror of China: questions of quality and equality / R.F. Price -- Reflections upon issues of class and inequality in Chinese education / Irving Epstein -- Education and mutuality: an action perspective / Jane Orton -- "Post Marxist" discourse and the rethinking of third world education reform / Anne Hickling-Hudson -- Qualifications, quality, and equality: a political economy of Sri Lankan education, 1971-1993 / Angela Little -- the search for quality and equality: the case of Papua New Guinea / Sheldon G. Weeks -- The state, adult literacy policy, and inequality in Botswana / Frank Youngman -- The struggle for quality and equality in Iranian education: problems, progress, and prospects / Gholam A. Tavassoli, Anthony R. Welch, and K. Houshyar.
This book debunks the argument that quality in education can only be achieved by limiting, or trading off, equality. This book argues that any worthy definition of quality education must include the interest of the underprivileged.