""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""1 Introduction, ""; ""2 How to Say Things with Promises""; ""3 Falsehood and Responsibility""; ""4 Why Promissory Fraud?""; ""5 The Representation Inquiry: What Does a Promise Say?""; ""6 The Veracity and Scienter Inquiries: Evidence of Falsity and Evidence of Culpability""; ""7 The Landscape of Promissory Misrepresentation""; ""8 False Promise: Insincere Promising as Crime""; ""9 Teaching Promissory Fraud""; ""10 Conclusion""; ""Appendix A: Draft Prestatement of the Law of Insincere Promising""; ""Appendix B: Promissory Fraud Abroad""; ""Notes""; ""Index""
The authors explore what promises say from the perspectives of philosophy. economics & the law. They identity four chief mistakes that courts make in promissory fraud cases, & they offer a theory for how courts & practitioners should handle promissory fraud cases.