Circuit Fundamentals. -- AC Circuits. -- Diode Applications. -- Semiconductor Diodes and Transistors. -- Practical Amplifier Circuits. -- Operational Amplifiers. -- Digital Electronics. -- The Digital Computer. -- Digital Systems.
A new type of text for non-majors in electrical engineering, this book satisfies the need for all educated persons to comprehend some basics of electronic technology and the Internet. Class-tested with 300 students at Northwestern University, Electronics and Communications for Scientists and Engineers has been written to meet the recent recommendations of the ABET Criteria 2000 standards for revised engineering curricula. This text covers the essential topics of electronics and communications that need to be understood by students and practitioners in various engineering fields and applied sciences. It contains the best layman's explanation of electronic underpinnings of the World Wide Web currently available in a textbook. It is also appropriate for science and liberal arts majors who need to take an elective course in digital technology, including computing and communications.
Elsevier Science & Technology
Electronics and communications for scientists and engineers.