1. Introduction -- Part I. Fundamentals -- 2. Basic semiconductor electronics -- 3. Basic quantum mechanics -- 4. Theory of electronic band structures in semiconductors -- 5. Electromagnetics -- Part II. Propagation of light -- 6. Light propagation in various media -- 7. Optical waveguide theory -- 8. Waveguide couplers and coupled-mode theory -- Part III. Generation of light -- 9. Optical processes in semiconductors -- 10. Semiconductor lasers -- Part IV. Modulation of light -- 11. Direct modulation of semiconductor lasers -- 12. Electrooptic and acoustooptic modulators -- 13. Electroabsorption modulators -- Part V. Detection of light -- 14. Photodetectors -- Appendices: -- A. The hydrogen atom (3D and 2D exciton bound and continuum states) -- B. Proof of the effective mass theory -- C. Derivations of the Pikus-Bir Hamiltonian for a strained semiconductor -- D. Semiconductor heterojunction band lineups in the model-solid theory -- E. Kramers-Kronig relations -- F. Poynting's theorem and reciprocity theorem -- G. Light propagation in gyrotropic media: Magnetooptic effects -- H. Formulation of the improved coupled-mode theory -- I. Density-matrix formulation of optical susceptibility -- J. Optical constants of GaAs and InP -- K. Electronic properties of Si, Ge, and a few binary, ternary, and quarternary compounds.
Emphasizes the theory of semiconductor optoelectronic devices, demonstrating comparisons between theoretical and experimental results. Presents such important topics as semiconductor heterojunctions and band structure calculations near the band edges for bulk and quantum-well semiconductors. Details semiconductor lasers including double-heterostructure, stripe-geometry gain-guided semiconductor, distributed feedback and surface-emitting. Systematically investigates high-speed modulation of semiconductor lasers using linear and nonlinear gains. Features new subjects such as the theories on the band structures of strained semiconductors and strained quantum-well lasers. Covers key areas behind the operation of semiconductor lasers, modulators and photodetectors.