Dedication; Title; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 Data Modelling; Chapter 3 The Relational Model; Chapter 4 Relational Algebra; Chapter 5 Normalization; Chapter 6 Relational Calculus; chapter 7 Further Issues; 8 Case Study A Conference Database; 9 EPILOGUE; References; Appendix A Solutions; Appendix B The standard SQL; Appendix C Fundamentals of set theory; Appendix D Denotations; Index.
Over the past few years databases have become a standard field of study forstudents reading for a degree in Computing so much so that in many cases acourse on databases has ceased to be regarded as an 'advanced' one. Typically, alarge fraction of such a course is apportioned to the relational approach, thisbeing so for several reasons.