A framework for examination, evaluation, and intervention / Barbara H. Connolly, Patricia C. Montgomery -- Motor control, motor learning, and motor development / Ann F. VanSant -- Neural systems underlying motor control / Roberta A. Newton -- Neuroplasticity: applications to motor control / Nancy N. Byl -- Musculoskeletal considerations in production and control of movement / Mary M. Rodgers -- Case studies / Patricia C. Montgomery, Barbara H. Connolly -- Applying the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice / Joanell A. Bohmert, Marilyn Woods -- Examination and evaluation of motor control / Mitzi B. Zeno, Patricia Leahy -- Sensory and perceptual issues related to motor control / Audrey Zucker-Levin -- Issues of cognition for motor control / Kathye E. Light -- Balance deficits: examination, evaluation and intervention / Mary Ann Seeger -- Spasticity and motor control / Carol A. Giuliani -- Perspectives on examination, evaluation, and intervention for disorders of gait / Carol A. Oatis, Lisa M. Cipriany-Dacko -- The patients: intervention and discharge planning / Patricia C. Montgomery, Barbara H. Connolly.