Includes bibliographical references (pages 138-144) and index.
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Citizenship Education -- chapter Examples of learning outcomes for citizenship education related to: -- Teachers and learners will be concerned to: full range of sources of information including those reflecting different -- chapter Case study to exemplify the application of political and social values in a curriculum activity -- chapter Rationale for active learning within citizenship education Citizenship education requires students to: -- individuals and groups -- chapter Rationale for citizenship education -- Effective citizens of the twenty-first century will: -- chapter Purposes of citizenship education -- Schools need a curriculum for citizenship education which: social justice and human rights principles identities and opposition to racist beliefs and behaviour -- chapter Handout 6: education for citizenship - Key Stage 2 -- chapter Handout 7: education for citizenship - Key Stage 3 -- chapter 2 Democratic Processes: School Councils, School Parliaments and Peer Mediation -- chapter Practice in schools -- chapter Case study: running a school council in a large secondary school - a teacher talks -- chapter Case study: introducing a school council in a village primar y school - a teacher's account -- chapter Effective school parliaments -- chapter Case study: Alverton Primar y School Parliament -- chapter Effective peer mediation -- chapter Case study: North Prospect Primary School -- chapter 3 Extending Language and Literacy -- chapter Activities -- Using images: what do you see? -- chapter Nelson Mandela: Different perspectives on the same stor y -- chapter Using stories from other countries, with original texts -- chapter Language never stands still -- chapter Using poetr y to discuss issues of identity, language and loss, and for text level work -- chapter Grandpapa -- chapter Tackling prejudice through literature -- chapter 4 Community into School -- chapter Learning about the work of community groups -- chapter School in the community: a living map -- chapter Investigating the world of work in the community -- chapter Then and now: 150 years of change in the community -- chapter Causes and consequences: people on the move -- chapter 5 Extending Social and Moral Education -- chapter Activities -- Circle time -- chapter The great divide . . . you must decide -- chapter Tricky situations: What would I do? -- chapter If I have the right, I also have the duty . . . -- chapter Personal flags -- chapter In the news: rights denied, rights protected -- chapter Solve the myster y: Why is Ranjesh's mum cr ying? -- chapter 6 Teaching about Democracy: Political Literacy -- chapter Recent research findings -- chapter Magna Carta: charter for freedom -- chapter Current issues: put it to the cabinet -- chapter We remember : symbols and identity -- chapter Background Information -- chapter Role cards -- chapter Activities: understanding justice and the law -- What happens when...? The law and people involved -- chapter Whose job is it? -- Barrister or This person will ask you about what has solicitor happened, advise you and defend you This person is responsible for arresting and ice offi interviewing you -- chapter The sequence of events -- Community penalties Arrested by the police (supervision, attendance centres) Less serious offence tried in Prison youth court -- chapter Right and laws: true/false -- chapter Rights and laws: answers -- chapter Dilemmas and the law -- chapter Case study A -- chapter Case study B -- chapter Earlier societies: laws and justice -- chapter 7 The Global Dimension of Citizenship Education -- chapter Activities -- Exploring perceptions through photographs: 'Most likely to . . .?' -- chapter Decide whether it is Mputo or Sarah who is most likely to . . . -- chapter Possibilities plus -- chapter Global marketplace: the chocolate trade -- chapter Tourism: do we want the new hotel? -- chapter Group 1 You represent the Swahili Hotel Corporation.You are responsible for putting forward the proposal for building the hotel.You want the hotel to be built.Why? What are the advantages of building a hotel in this location, not just for you but for the local community? We would like to argue that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We understand that it will be difficult for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Therefore we feel that it would be in the best interest of these groups to -- chapter Case study: do we want the new hotel? -- chapter The energy debate -- chapter Case study: the energy debate - work in and out of the classroom -- chapter Europe and the environment: countries without borders -- chapter Demba's stor y -- chapter Activity for staff discussion -- chapter Statements for discussion 1 Children decide to take action in support of animal rights, after a class discussion. 2 Staff take a decision not to have a vending machine selling drinks and snacks. 3 After a racist incident, a teacher explains to the class why she finds this unacceptable. 4 After learning about child labour in a geography lesson, students arrange a boycott of some local shops.They want to encourage others to join in. 5 The local town council asks for a group of students to be released from school to attend a meeting on developing a piece of wasteland for leisure activities. 6 Students learn about the activities of a number of organisations working for change, including Greenpeace and Amnesty International. 7 After a lesson on justice and the law, students decide to write to their local MP on school headed paper about legalising cannabis. 8 The head teacher instructs children to collect rubbish from the playground during lunchbreaks. 9 A teacher works with his students to discard school books which misrepresent minority groups. 10 As part of a local study a teacher encourages children to learn more about why a new group of refugees has moved to the area and how they might be helped. 11 Through the School Council, students ask for more choice in the curriculum and request that there is no school uniform. 12 Students discuss the pros and cons of nuclear power in Science and ask the teacher for her views. She gives these, along with her reasons for holding them. -- chapter References -- chapter Practical resources and training materials.
Education for citizenship.
Active learning-- Great Britain.
Citizenship-- Study and teaching (Elementary)-- Great Britain.
Active learning.
Citizenship-- Study and teaching (Elementary)
EDUCATION-- Teaching Methods & Materials-- Social Science.