Alvaro Abós -- Isaac Aisemberg -- Francisco José Amparán -- Roberto Ampuero -- Enrique Anderson Imbert -- Roberto Arlt -- Velmiro Ayala Gauna -- Vicente Battista -- María Elvira Bermúdez -- Rafael Bernal -- Adolfo Bioy Casares -- Jorge Luis Borges -- María Angélica Bosco -- Martín Caparrós -- Leonardo Castellani -- Luiz Lopes Coelho -- Hiber Conteris -- Marco Denevi -- Ramón Díaz Eterovic -- Alberto Edwards -- Enrique Fairlie Fuentes -- C.E. Feiling -- José Pablo Feinmann -- Rubem Fonseca -- Carlos Fuentes -- Mempo Giardinelli -- Antonio Helú -- Juan Hernández Luna -- Jorge Ibargüengoitia -- Miriam Laurini -- Vicente Leñero -- Sauli Lostal -- Jorge Manzur -- José Martínez de la Vega -- Juan Martini -- Leonardo Padura Fuentes -- Adolfo L. Pérez Zelaschi -- Manuel Peyrou -- Ricardo Piglia -- Mónica Plöese -- Syria Poletti -- Rafael Ramírez Heredia -- Bertha Recio Tenorio -- Víctor Ronquillo -- Juan Sasturain -- Enrique Serna -- Sergio Sinay -- Juan José de Soiza Reilly -- Paco Ignacio Taibo II -- Gabriel Trujillo Muñoz -- Pablo Urbanyi -- René Vergara -- Raúl Waleis -- Rodolfo Walsh.
Latin America has a rich literary tradition that is receiving growing amounts of attention. The body of Latin American mystery writing is especially vast and diverse. Because it is part of Latin American popular culture, it also reflects many of the social and cultural concerns of that region. This reference provides an overview of mystery fiction of Latin America. While many of the authors profiled have received critical attention, others have been relatively neglected.
Latin American mystery writers.
Authors, Latin American, Biography, Dictionaries.
Detective and mystery stories, Latin American-- History and criticism, Dictionaries.
Detective and mystery stories, Latin American, Bio-bibliography, Dictionaries.